Kenya has a fault-based divorce system. This is unlike many western countries. Thus, for two persons to divorce, they must prove a matrimonial fault on the part of the other spouse. Kenya does not recognize divorce by consent. The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to the legally recognized grounds for divorce in Kenya.
The Kenyan Divorce process is governed by the Marriage Act Number 4 of 2014 (simply referred to as “the Act”) Section 6 of the Act recognizes 5 different types of marriages as follows:
- Christian Marriages
- Civil Marriages
- Customary Law Marriages
- Hindu Marriages
- Marriages under Islamic
- Law.
Each of these types of marriages has unique requirements for registration as well as for their dissolution as discussed below.
Christian Marriages
Under Section 65 of the Act, persons who contracted a Christian marriage can petition for divorce on the following grounds;
- One or more acts of adultery committed by the other party;
- Cruelty, whether mental or physical, inflicted by the other party on the Petitioner, or on the children, if any of the marriage;
- Desertion by either party for a period of at lead three years before the presentation of the divorce petition;
- Exceptional depravity by either party
- The irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
It is worth noting that all these must be offenses done by the other person other than the person seeking a divorce. Thus, one cannot commit adultery and then rush to court for divorce on the basis of his/her own matrimonial fault. It must be a fault on the party of the other party.
Civil Marriages
Under Section 66 of the Act, unlike in Christian marriages, a party to a Civil marriage may only petition the court for separation or divorce after 3 years of being married. This provision has come under intense judicial scrutiny of late where some courts have held it to be very prohibitive in nature. However, the law still stands as such.
The grounds for dissolution of civil marriage are identical to the grounds for dissolution of a Christian marriage discussed above.
Under Section 66 (6), marriage is deemed to have irretrievably broken down when any of the other grounds for dissolution of the marriage have been proven, where the parties to the marriage have been separated for at least 2 years, where a spouse has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of more than 7 years, or where a spouse suffers from incurable insanity.
Customary Law Marriages
Customary marriages are marriages celebrated in accordance with the customs and practices of the ethnic communities that either party to the marriage belongs to.
The grounds for dissolution of a customary marriage are similar to that of civil and Christian marriage, with the added provision recognizing any other ground for divorce under the customs of the particular community.
Hindu Marriages
These are marriages conducted where the spouses both profess the Hindu Religion. Hindu divorces have unique grounds as such:
- Where the marriage has irretrievably broken down
- Where the other party has deserted the Petitioner for at least 3 years before the making of the Petition
- Where the other party has converted to another religion.
- Where since the celebration of the marriage, the other party has committed rape, sodomy, bestiality, or adultery
- Where the other party has committed cruelty to the other
- Where the other party has committed exceptional depravity on the other.
Marriages under Islamic Law.
Islamic marriages are celebrated under Islamic Law. The Act does not set down grounds for dissolution of Islamic Marriages only stating in Section 71 that dissolution of an Islamic Marriage shall be governed by Islamic law. Such divorce processes are processed and presided over by the Kadhi Courts.
Ms. Faith Gituma, a Legal Assistant/Trainee with the Firm and Mr. SM Kotonya, Partner and Head of the Litigation/Dispute Resolution Department.
This note does not constitute legal advice neither is it a Legal Opinion. For more information or any further queries on the law relating to marriages and divorce, email us on or telephone us on +254 20 2000431/+254717554430